The last and third set of molars is the wisdom teeth. If they are correctly aligned and healthy, they can be an advantage; if they are affected or bent, they most likely need to be removed. Wisdom tooth removal: Dental care can advise you on what is best for your situation.
When wisdom teeth grow horizontally
They can damage neighboring teeth, jaw or nerves and must be removed. They can delay plaque and cause rot. If they penetrate the soft tissues, they can allow bacteria to grow and cause infection; this is known as an affected tooth, which can be very painful. Brushing your teeth is difficult and with these teeth you can develop gum disease.
The teeth consist of three layers, which include enamel, dentin and pulp. Teeth are important for talking and chewing, and they are the hardest substance in our body. Enamel is the outer white part of the tooth. The dentin in the sub layer, which consists of living cells and pulp, is a soft internal structure consisting of nerves and blood vessels.
The best dentist wisdom tooth extraction Singapore will periodically take an x-ray of the teeth to see what happens if your wisdom teeth need attention, he or she will advise you accordingly. It may be necessary to align the displaced or horizontal teeth before they cause problems. Doing this will prevent more complex and painful extracts at a later time. In young people, wisdom teeth are easier to extract when the bone is less dense and underdeveloped. When this is done for the elderly, they heal more.Wisdom teeth are easily removed, like any other tooth, if completely erupted. Otherwise, your dentist will tell you what the plan for the preliminary exam is.