Anasazi Foundation – For Adolescents
Wilderness therapy is a subgroup of adventure therapy where wilderness expeditions are used for therapeutic involvement. There are a variety of wilderness therapy programs, by means of different approaches and models. Few cultivate out of an Outward Bound approach and few get a survival approach. Their basic and important endeavor is to direct participants to gain self-respect and self-reliance.
The Program includes offers for various categories –For Adolescents
The ANASAZI Outdoor Behavioural Healthcare Program is designed for youth who are 12-17 years old and are struggling with substance abuse, behavioural or emotional concerns. Participants spend atleast50 days in the wilderness of Arizona, spending time in hiking and camping with little support. They also live a primitive routine and learn the technologies and skills of the ancient people.
The wilderness gives participants an opportunity to be in an environment free from distractions and clutter–to think over their lives, to take responsibility for past mistakes or choices and prepare to begin afresh. They are taught to cook their meals and build temporary shelters to protect themselves. They are made to hike nonstop and move from place to place.
Treatment Philosophy
The treatment philosophy is simple. There is no force or manipulation. The staffs wait for opportunities to teach. They teach skills and the principles of unconditional love, repentance, forgiveness, and restoration.
Parent Involvement
Parent involvement is an essential element here. Towards the end of the program, parents are supposed to spend the last two nights on the trail with their child. This is an important time to build relationships of trust and make commitments.
ANASAZI Alumni Services
Young Walkers leave ANASAZI feeling like they have accomplished something remarkable.
They have done everything-conquered mesas, slept under the stars, made fire with sticks, cooked for themselves, and tolerated the conditions for 6 weeks. They have awakened about life and family and themselves.
The goal of ANASAZI is to help YoungWalkers keep their experiences and recognitions alive in their hearts.
Families are under Alumni Services for a full year from the date of Discharge. The feedbacks are taken and they are advised to attend seminars for further port event improvement.
ANASAZI Foundation has a Anasazi Wilderness Program specially designed for anxious youth and besieged young adults who are still struggling with life. It offers a residential treatment program for 50 days which is in wilderness and also outpatient services which believe that all individuals —despite their wrong choices or personal struggles —possess an inbuilt “seed of greatness.” Check out the Anasazi Foundation reviews here.